Fombag Testimonials
Fombag Testimonials
Customer Photo Gallery and Testimonials
The FomBag is an amazing foam filled lounging chair, much like the Love Sac. My family (including my 6'4" husband) is "HEAD OVER HEELS" in love with our new FOMBAG!

We recently sponsored the Kick Gas Festival in Southern California. This is the West Coast's largest Eco-Party, and our fombags were the best seat in the house. They didn't sit empty for more than a minute at a time as someone was always ready to get their relax on.

Xbox on the fombag with both kids is one of the best times of the week. The fombags are the only things in the house the kids like to sit on as much as they like to sit on dad.
Fombag sponsored the VAVI Kickball tournament in San Diego and the two 6' bags we provided were a huge hit.
I just wanted to write and say thanks for being a part of this past weekend’s tournament. We view it as a huge success and are happy that you were involved. The event was also featured on NBC & KUSI that night. Once again thanks for the support. Have a good one and we look forward to working with you again.
I bought a foambag about a month ago. I have serious issues, with fibromyalgia & arthritis. This is the best thing I have ever bought!!! I feel so much more rested, and no pressure points! I have pictures of my 2 pugs resting, in bag and on the top of their heads it says FOAMBAG!!!! Of Course its okay to post pics of my pugs!!!! Im a "pughugger"
So far so good w/ the bag. We’ve nicknamed it the giant baked potato! It’s fun to watch it get bigger every day!
Hey! I LOVE these things. Take it from me...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! If you have room in your living room for one, I highly recommend getting one. If you don't have room, make room. Get rid of the couch and put in one of these. You can't beat the price either.
We love our Fombag. It is absurdly large and fabulously comfortable. And she is not a small dog.
This picture was taking by my phone. In the picture is my brother Sol sneaking up on his wife Lauren and jumping on her while she is on the fombag watching a movie. If you are having a hard time finding my brother he is the blur above his wife. I bought this fombag about 2 years ago and has been the main attraction in my parents house. I am giving it up to my other brother Brian so he can put it in his house when he gets married in june. Thanks again for a wonderful product.
Here's our cat and my wife chilin' on the 6 foot bag. we had this bad boy shipped all the way to turkey when i was stationed there and then brought it back to the states when i got stationed in washington dc. as you can see my cat sometimes sleeps on the bag and other times looks likes he's paralyzed. hope they make someone smile.
While visiting my daughter, I enjoyed many naps on her family's comfy Fombag & would've loved to bring it home with me. Although, I don't think that it would have fit on the airplane and my grandkids would be lost without it. Please help this Comfort Junkie find his comfortable place in this world!
Our Fombag arrived yesterday!! My daughter approves ;) We got it all set up and she climbed on and went to sleep! Awesome. We love it!! Thank you so much for sending it all the way to Japan for us!!!
This is of our kitten. Everyone who sits in this Fombag falls asleep (including myself!) and as you can see, so does Rajah, our kitten :) I <3 Fombag! Best,
Various people in my life all fall alseep on my fombag. My cat ender, my friend sophie, my friend cheryl, and my friends amy and josh from out of town all on the bag, use whatever pic you want. They all want one now.
We love our fombags! At first we tried to keep our dog, Molly, out of them but it was a losing battle. We tried fluffing them really tall or piling things in them to keep her off but she always finds a way to get in. We finally decided that we would allow her to get in the green or gray but really wanted her to stay out of the black because her blonde hair really shows on it. Guess which one is her favorite. Grab your monkey, hop in your fombag, kick off your shoes and watch a little basketball.
Howdy, First off I just want to say I love my Fombag... so much I bought two of them and gave one to my Best Friend as a Wedding Present. This pic is of my Friend's dog Zag when I dog-sat for her, of course she immediately chose the nicest seat in the house. Well you know my friend was looking for a doggie bed for Zag so I bought her one too... Is it a little big? Nah... I'm sure she'll grow into it!?! Haha! Thanks for the great product!
Hey, I got my fombag around 6 months ago and I don't know who loves it more , me or my cat! His name is Mack and I often have to share the fombag ( as you can see in the 4th image) with him as he loves lying, often spread eagle, on the thing. He usually sits in there after he has eaten himself into a food coma and has been known to growl when we attempt to move him, I hope you guys like the pictures! Thanks
Attached are some pictures of our son Cayden who fell asleep on our fombag with my wife (Jen). Jen got up and we snapped a pic of just him sleeping on it as well. We love our fombag and use it pretty much everyday. Our couches look pristine from lack of use! Keep making a great product and I'll keep sending friends your way!
This picture is of my “kids” (front to back: Marshall, Rocko and Kayla) enjoying our fombag and keeping warm on a winter day. This is our favorite chill spot! And their favorite dog bed, at least I know they won’t chew this one up!. We have 2 fombags in our home( a 6 and 8ftr)! We love to snuggle and love all the space! Everyone that comes over wants a fombag in their home too!
I love the size and how I just sink right in. I've taken 2 naps in it already because its so comfortable. That's a pretty big deal to me considering I'm just not a napping person... I seriously only take about 1 or 2/year. Even with the dog barking, the stress of the workweek, and my baby girl tearing through the apartment like the Tazmanian Devil I can still manage to get away when I sit in the Fombag. (I know it sounds cheezy but its true).
I've been meaning to write you guys for a few months now but I wanted to thank you for such an awesome product! I purchased a 6'x6' round fombag for my husband for his birthday back in March and it's the greatest thing ever! It's the envy of his "office" (spare room turned office/game room)! Thanks again!
I have received it, and it's definitely better quality than the bags our friends have.
I am very happy with the fombag. It's super comfortable! The delivery was on time & everything went smoothly.
If everyone only knew how much better quality your covers were, they would buy your bags over anyone elses.
I love playing my cowbell! But now I never play my cowbell, unless I'm on my fombag. It cured my fever...!
I seriously LOVE the fompillo! I bought a pillow and fombag, but the fompillow is the best. I just wanted say thanks for an awesome product! I'll recommend it to anyone for you!!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful bags! It's so cool to have such personal contact with a company like this in today's big industry world with automation ruling everything. I hope you have a wonderful fourth of July and a beautiful life! =)
My gandson at 4 right after we got the bag. We spent a lot of time in it togther, he called it the tickle chair. Everyone who come s to the house, no matter what age is drawn to the bag and has to sit in it. A lot of naps have been taken in that chair.
To Management, I just wanted to take time to mention a wonderful employee who has been helping me out alot with my order, i believe it's Stacey. What a wonderful customer service department you guys have. Thanks.
Just wanted to let you know that we love the bags!! The cord covers are great. Nice and soft. Thanks for all your help! We may be ordering more soon.
I was surprised that you made it so easy to change my red cover for a different color, I love the sage. Thanks for the great customer service!
This thing is a real BA now. I love it. Its filled enough where its always feeling full and comfortable. I couldn't be more satisfied with the product. I have recommended it to several friends of mine. Keep up the good work.